10th ACRU Annual Conference
Krakow, Poland, June 7-8, 2001
The meeting was begun at 9:00am October 8, 2001.
After introduction of all members present at the meeting, it was concluded that nine
ACRU member universities are represented at the meeting and that there are eight
justified absences (confirmed by emails, faxes). It meant that the General Council
was deemed to be constituted, since according to the Constitution (Article 10,
paragraph 6) justified absences are not taken into account for deciding the
Prof. I. Pollo gave a presentation on historical aspects and importance
of ACRU and encouraged the participants to further develop and promote the aims
of the ACRU.
Prof. Veronica Matisan made a presentation on behalf of the University
“Aurel Vlaicu” from Arad, Romania, and proposed to develop activities in mobility
programs, educational activities and language training. Tomas Sabol provided
information on the two additional applicants to the ACRU membership – University
of Oradea, and the University of Petrosani, Romania.
Karol Florian delivered a presentation on activities and events organized by
ACRU since its establishment in 1994 until 2001. He thanked to all member university
representatives, country coordinators and other outstanding personalities involved
in building and development of the ACRU.
The representatives of the ACRU member universities, who took part in
the 10th ACRU Annual Conference, accepted the activity and financial
report as well as plan for operational expenses for the next period as presented
by the Secretary General, Tomas Sabol.
The Secretary General informed the participants about the third phase
of the project “Management of Continuing Education” organized in cooperation
with the Kennesaw State University. The next part of the training will be organized
by the University of Miskolc (Dr. Maria Kocsis Baan) in late October / early
November 2001. Tomas Sabol informed also about other projects (Leonardo da Vinci
and TEMPUS IB) ACRU was/is involved in as a Slovak partner and about available
outputs of these projects. ACRU representatives were again asked to submit applications
for PhD student mobility grants to Secretary General via Country Coordinators.
It was also proposed to support participation of representatives of ACRU member
universities in scientific and educational events organized by ACRU members
(e.g. 22nd Congress of Microbiology to be organized in Kosice by
the University of Veterinary Medicine, PhD Conference organized by the University
of Miskolc).
The members were asked to use the ACRU Web page for exchange of information
about activities, workshops, and projects organized by their universities.
Prof. Romana Sliwa presented candidacy of prof. Andrzej Korbel on behalf
of the Polish members of ACRU for the position of the ACRU President for the
next cadency of two years. ACRU representatives approved unanimously prof. A.
Korbel for the position of the ACRU President. The newly elected President then
thanked to prof. K. Florian and to Dr. Tomas Sabol for all the work they done
for ACRU up to now.
Prof. A. Korbel proposed Tomas Sabol for the continuation of his work
in the position of Secretary General. The proposal was approved by all ACRU
representatives present. The President prof. Korbel also proposed, based on
the ACRU Constitution (Article 8, paragraph 5), to award a honorary membership
to the past President prof. Florian. This proposal was approved unanimously.
The ACRU members present approved by majority a change in the ACRU Constitution
– in the Article 11, paragraph 1 to delete the text “excluding the country of
residence of the President and the Secretary General”.
The General Council approved a proposal of Tomas Sabol to authorize prof.
K. Florian to sign documents on behalf of ACRU.
The following universities were approved by the General Council as new
members of the ACRU: University of “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, University of Oradea,
University of Petrosani (all from Romania).
The participants expressed thanks to the Rector of the host institution
prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz and to the organizers of the Conference - prof. Andrzej
Korbel and prof. Jerzy Mischke.
The next meeting in 2002 will take place in Kosice, Slovakia. The exact
date will be announced by ACRU representative of the Technical University of
Kosice by the end of January 2002 at the latest.
The meeting was adjourned at 17:30pm June 8, 2001.
Krakow, June 8, 2001
Prof. Andrzej Korbel
President of ACRU
Tomas Sabol
Secretary General of ACRU
10th ACRU Annual Conference
Krakow, Poland, June 7-9, 2001
Present ACRU universities and their representatives:
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, prof. Andrzej Sobkowiak, Vice-Rector
- Technical University of Lublin, Lublin, prof. Iwo Pollo
- University of Technology in Kosice, Kosice, Prof. Karol Florian, Vice-Rector
- University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice, prof. Emil Pilipcinec, Vice-Rector
- University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, prof. Andrzej Korbel, Vice-Rector
- University of Miskolc, Miskolc, prof. Tamas Kekesi
- Military University of Technology, Warsaw, prof. Andrzej Chojnacki, Vice-Rector
- University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Dr.Tamas Myhalydeak, Vice-Rector
- Krakow University of Technology, Krakow, prof. Marcin Chrzanowski, Vice-Rector
- University of “Aurel Vlaicu” from Arad, Romania, prof. Veronica Matisan