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Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia

Issued by participants of the Third meeting of Carpathian's Region Rectors

Miskolc, Hungary, April 2-4, 1995

On April 2-4 1995 the representatives of 16 universities of the Association of Carpathian Region Universities met in Miskolc, Hungary. They considered the cooperation exhibited by this conference useful and important. They expressed their willingness to facilitate cooperation among the member institutions as well as with other regional and international institutions.

The members of the Association approved a membership fee of 750$ per university per year, contingent upon the registration of the Association of Carpathian Region Universities as a nongovermental organization (NGO). They recognise that the membership fee if necessary has to be approved by University Academic Senate. Each member of the Association will search for funding to cover this fee from internal and external sources. An auditing committee will be formed at the next Meeting of Rectors to oversee the financial position of the Association.

The Conference of the Association has established the following working committee:
  • Exchange programmes for students, teaching and research staff.
    Contact person: Dr. Yurij Rashkevich (Lviv Polytechnic State University)
  • Joint research activities, preparation of project proposals.
    Contact person: Dr. Gyula Patko (University of Miskolc)
  • University extension activities - distance and continuing education, technology transfer, cooperation with local government, NGOs, international institutions, etc.
    Contact person: Dr. Tomas Sabol (Technical University of Kosice)
  • University information systems, libraries.
    Contact person: Dr.Marek Capik (University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH), Cracow)

All interested members of the academic staff should contact the representatives listed above. Communication is suggested to be done via E-mail and through the discussion club CEUR_USA@ccsun.tuke.sk.
The conclusions of the working committees are as follows:
    • Student exchange - 1 or 2 semesters
    • Faculty exchange - short-time - up to 1 week - for familiarization, long-time - up to 1 semester - for lecturing and research
    • Non-educational exchange (cultural, sport activities, summer courses, holidays)
    • Information exchange - exchange of scientific information (conferences, publications, international project participation, Ph.D topics)
    • Joint research projects - harmonization of topics, discussion of scientific achievements
    • Joint research proposals - networking, joint proposals for research grants
    • Short-term goals - workshop "Writing Proposals", workshop "Distance Education in the Carpathian Region", workshop "Management of Technology"
    • Long-term goals - cooperation with local NGOs in the field of ecology, cooperation with local Chamber of Commerce in the field of economics and management with an emphasis on trans-border cooperation, information about other regional projects (Emergent Leaders Program, etc.)
  • Identification of information systems, Sharing information and experience on internal and external networks, Inter-library loan system

Working committees should meet according to their needs and be prepared to present their findings at the next Meeting of Rectors.
The next Meeting of Rectors will be held in Rzeszow, Poland, organized by Rzeszow Pedagogical University, in spring 1996.